Eugène Later
Just like his twin sister, the Dutch composer Eugène Later is raised and living in Bergen (NH), The Netherlands. He followed his musical education a.o. at the Sweelinck Academy of Music in Amsterdam. Although the nescessary technical and theoretical knowledge of composing was a key part of the education, Eugène Later developed himself into an 'intuitive' writer. To him, the inspiration forms his guide during the creation of his pieces. Hereby, theory is of minor importance. As a result, his work distinguish itself by its self-willed and unexpected turns and inventions.
Later's musical background is distinguished by a range of genres, from jazz, pop to classical music. In the project Heading for New Biggin classical music and jazz go hand in hand together. Eugène Later is a broadly orientated composer, not easily placed in one specific category, therefore he always manages to surprise the listener.